Adopting a structured delivery approach for data mining projects is crucial to ensuring successful business outcomes from analytics investments. The importance of a rock solid, repeatable approach is magnified multi-fold for advanced use cases such as digital data mining which involves pattern recognition and insights delivery from clickstream, anonymous web browsing data as opposed to the traditional customer level information that is typically mined in data science projects.

In this presentation, we outline a business analytics implementation approach that is derived from the industry-leading CRISP-DM method and is tailor-made for digital data mining projects.

About this sample (Powerpoint deck)

A Framework guide for implementing analytics projects within digital marketing. Outlines how industry standard methods (e.g. CRISP-DM) can be tailored for use specifically in digital data mining

About the Client

Specialist Web Analytics Consultancy looking to promote its statistical data mining services offering

Target audience

‘Consideration’ stage prospects looking to get a deeper understanding of specifically how the Agency can help deliver digital data mining projects using template based project delivery artefacts

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